Eurotracks aims at:
- Promoting access to professional mobility for job seekers, apprentices and students ;
- Improving the quality of mobility ;
- Facilitating the recognition of learning outcomes and business experience at European level (ECVET).

for job seekers
of Pôle Emploi, Missions Locales, CFA and Universities
Since 2015, our mission has been to contribute to the evolution and social inclusion of all individuals by providing educational experiences that are part of a lifelong learning and personal development process.
Erasmus+ small-scale Partnership Project for adopting eco-responsible practices in European mobilities.
Produce a curriculum focusing on the valorisation and sustainable management of non-reproducible assets (NRIs), which include cultural heritage and natural capital.
To carry out a business mobility experience in a European country, through awareness of eco-citizenship and ecotourism.
They have trusted us, and are now sharing their experience.
Eurotracks is comprised of a young and dynamic team with a rich experience in European issues as well as in the promotion of ERASMUS+ Mobility, culture, tourism and equality in all its aspects.
European Projects Manager
25 years of experience in European ERASMUS+ project management (KA1/ KA2)
I assist :
– Candidates for mobility who wish to live and work in Europe
– French companies looking for European talent
– Training organisations who wish to train mobility referents;
– Universities that train students in European project management
Scope: #Europe
Passionate about literature and Music 70’s,80’s
Interested in all things digital and social networking: Facebook @eurotracks
Passionate about #empowerment and #interculturality and trees 🌳
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