We offered a tailor-made training course called Future-oriented education to our Bulgarian partners at the Sofia Vocational High School of Tourism.
On the programme, many site visits around the themes of vocational education and eco-tourism:
– the EFHT – Ecole de Tourisme de Paris with a presentation of the school, their teachings but also to talk about education for sustainable development.
– the CFA – IMA Villiers-le-Bel Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat du Val d’Oise Institut des Métiers de l’Artisanat de Villiers Le Bel for a discussion around environmental practices and procedures in the restaurant industry, the involvement of young people in environmental ideas and debates, and a baking workshop focused on zero waste.
– a visit to the REcyclerie, an ecological restaurant, space and urban farm
– the Solar Hotel, “the first ecological and militant hotel in the centre of Paris”.