Our projects

Our projects focus on education, training and promotion of ecotourism and mentoring. Our objective is the integration of people, whether young or old, into the labour market.


Since 1 September 2020, the ENTER project has started, involving seven European partners.

ENTER is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project for innovation in adult education, registered under the name “ENTER: Supporting Marginalized Young Adults to ENTER the labor market through indicative project”.

The European partners involved in this project are Asociacija MINTIES BITES Lithuania), Skref fyrir Skref ehf / Step by step (Iceland), APRICOT TRAINING MANAGEMENT LTD (United Kingdom), STANDO LTD (Cyprus), Association “To Preserve The Woman” (Bulgaria), Center za dopisno izobrazevanje Univerzum (Slovenia).

Our objectives through this programme :

  • To provide trainers and educators with an innovative mentoring methodology focusing on career development and management, in order to foster the inclusion and employability of young, low-skilled and marginalised adults.
    To help educators and trainers expand their skills with innovative programmes and methodology, and thus promote quality educational services in non-formal education organisations.
  • To professionalise trainers and enable them to support the individual career development and aspirations of young, low-skilled and unemployed learners, and thus overcome their skills mismatch in a highly competitive and demanding labour market
  • To encourage employability, socio-educational development and identify cross-cutting skills of low-skilled and marginalised young adults.


During two years, we will develop guidelines for mentoring and career development by offering to tutors and future mentors, a training module.

Discover the ENTER Programme Facebook page here.


The CHERISH project aims to produce a curriculum focusing on the valorisation and sustainable management of non-reproducible assets (NRPs), which include cultural heritage and natural capital.

This interactive curriculum will consist of different didactic modules, with a strong European dimension and a special focus on sustainable tourism. The modules will be designed according to the criteria of the European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET). The project, led by the Italian National Research Council, brings together 6 organisations from France, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Italy.


Newsletter N°1 EN

Newsletter N°2 EN

Newsletter N°3 EN

Newsletter N°4 EN

Interview of Jennifer GAUTHERIN

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


What is Eco Mob?

A project created to give 19 beneficiaries the opportunity to carry out a mobility in a company in a European country.

The aim of our project is to re-mobilize a public in difficulty and far from employment (18-25 years old without professional qualifications, with integration difficulties and also from CAP/to BAC+3) by raising awareness of eco-citizenship and ecotourism including a period of mobility in Europe.

For this, Eurotracks has joined forces with the missions locales of Taverny and Poissy-Conflans.

Eco Mob poster



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




What is BevTOUR? 

Help food & beverage producers, and the support organizations and intermediaries in this sector all over Europe to understand the potential benefits of Food and Beverage Tourism to their own business.

Gastro-tourism, culinary tourism or food and beverage tourism is the exploration of food/beverage as the purpose of tourism. The exploration of food or beverage is considered a vital component of the tourism experience, which helps to strengthen and develop local and regional tourism. Food/Beverage Tourism is ‘the act of travelling for a taste of place to get a sense of place’. Gastro-tourism benefits local economy in terms of tourism spend, local agriculture and production, and employment. It also helps to increase community awareness and pride in local culinary cultures.

The main objectives of the BEVTour project are:

– To Identify and detail best practices in food and beverage tourism from around Europe.
– To increase awareness among artisan food and beverage producers of the economic opportunity presented.
– To provide producers and regional intermediaries with the tools to develop their tourism product and marketing strategy.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Our previous projects


Eurotracks participated in the EUROOTFOOD project – Renewal of Traditional Cuisine in Europe, a European strategic project funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the n°2016-1-TR01-KA202-034444.

The Usak Chamber of Chefs and Restaurateurs, Turkey, identified a lack of professional training programmes and business practices focused on the revival of traditional organic food. It therefore developed the idea of the EUROOTFOOD project in cooperation with 3 local Turkish partners (the Turkish Federation of Restaurant and Catering Companies, the Municipality of Usak and a vocational school) and 3 European partners Training 2000 from Italy, MBM Training & Development Centre from the UK and Eurotracks).

The EUROOTFOOD project aims to create new gastronomic destinations in Europe by rediscovering forgotten traditional cuisines and developing alternative tourist offers.

Follow the project on Facebook and YouTube.

Eurootfood project newsletters:

June 2017

January 2018


Page updated in June 2021